Call for Abstract

Vascular Dementia and Movement Disorders, will be organized around the theme “New Innovative Strategies by Leading Experts to Cure Vascular Dementia”

Vascular dementia-2019 is comprised of 14 tracks and 50 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Vascular dementia-2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

\r\n Vascular Dementia  is a general term describing problems with reasoning, planning, judgment, memory and other thought processes caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow to your brain. People with  is the second-most-common form of (AD). A few people may seem to enhance amongst occasions and decrease after more noiseless strokes. A quickly decaying condition may prompt demise from a stroke, coronary illness, or infection. \r\n

  • Track 1-1Dementia-an underlying disease
  • Track 1-2Symptoms & Diagnosis of Dementia
  • Track 1-3Prevention of Dementia

Alzheimers Disease

In Alzheimer's disease, high levels of certain proteins inside and outside brain cells make it hard for brain cells to stay healthy and to communicate with each other. The brain region called the hippocampus is the center of learning and memory in the brain, and the brain cells in this region are often the first to be damaged. That's why memory loss is often one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer's. While most changes in the brain that cause dementia are permanent and worsen over time, thinking and memory problems caused by various conditions

  • Depression
  • Medication side effects
  • Excess use of alcohol
  • Thyroid problems
  • Vitamin deficiencies



  • Track 2-1Alzheimer’s Diagnosis & Symptoms
  • Track 2-2Alzheimer’s Imaging & Clinical Trials
  • Track 2-3Alzheimer’s Pathophysiology

Vascular Cognitive Impairment  is a decrease in deduction capacities caused by a malady that harms the mind's veins. Vascular malady may cause intellectual hindrance all alone, and can likewise add to impedances in considering and conduct in a man with another  illness, for example, . Cognitive weakness normally goes with clinical disorders in  related to the vascular ailment of the mind. In view of developing definitional criteria, the recurrence of subjective weakness inferable from cerebrovascular ailment is hard to decide.  happens in up to 33% of elderly patients with stroke as opposed to an immaculate  disorder.

  • Track 3-1Pathophysiology of vascular cognitive impairment
  • Track 3-2Small vessel disease
  • Track 3-3Ischaemic stroke
  • Track 3-4Haemorrhagic stroke
  • Track 3-5Stroke and vascular cognitive impairment

People with Lewy body dementia have a progressive decline in their memory and ability to think; similar to Alzheimer’s disease. However, the cognitive ability or alertness of a person with Lewy body dementia is more likely to fluctuate from one moment to the next, which is not like Alzheimer’s disease. They also often have visual hallucinations (seeing things that aren’t there) and delusions (believing something that is not true). On the surface, people with Lewy body dementia often have problems with movement that resemble Parkinson’s disease. This is because the same structures of the brain are affected in Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

  • Track 4-1Symptoms of Lewy body dementia
  • Track 4-2Diagnosis
  • Track 4-37 stages of lewy body dementia
  • Track 4-4Lewy body dementia treatment

Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration and/or death of nerve cells. This causes problems with movement (called ataxias), or mental functioning (called dementias). Dementias are responsible for the greatest burden of neurodegenerative diseases, with Alzheimer’s representing approximately 60-70% of dementia cases.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementia

       Prion disease

       Huntington’s disease (HD)

       Spinal muscular atrophy (SM

  • Track 5-1Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders
  • Track 5-2Motor neurone diseases (MND)
  • Track 5-3Huntington’s disease (HD)
  • Track 5-4Depression
  • Track 5-5Schizophrenia
  • Track 5-6Bipolar disorder
  • Track 5-7Seizures

\r\n Reasons for Dementia rely on upon territories of cerebrum influenced because of dementiaVascular dementia is dynamic in nature; one of the most regular kinds of dynamic dementia is Lewy body dementia. There are four essential types of reversible dementia: hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 need, and neurosyphilis and Lyme infection. Head harm, stroke or mind tumor may cause dementia. Age is a standout amongst the most imperative hazard element of Alzheimer’s, 65years surpassing people has more odds of having Dementia. A maturing and hereditary legacy from precursors is out of hand yet other hazard variables, for example, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperthyroidism, liquor use in extensive sums; smoking can be avoided or controlled.T he best-known hazard consider for Alzheimer's is expanding age. Most people with sickness are 65 and more Alzheimer's.

  • Track 6-1Genetics/family history
  • Track 6-2Atherosclerosis
  • Track 6-3Cholesterol
  • Track 6-4Diabetes
  • Track 6-5Mild cognitive impairment

Dementia in “stages,” refers how far a person’s dementia has been progressed. It defines a person’s disease stage helping physicians to determine the best treatment approach and aid communication between health providers and caregivers. Sometimes the stage is simply referred to as “early stage”, “middle stage” or “late-stage” dementia, but often a more exact stage is assigned, based on a person’s symptoms.


  • Track 7-1Mild Dementia
  • Track 7-2Moderate Dementia
  • Track 7-3Severe Dementia

\r\n The precarious increment in neurology the rate and predominance of Dementia parallels a maturing populace crosswise over high, center and low-salary nations. Convenient finding, wellbeing related personal satisfaction and medication revelation for patients living with Dementia, be that as it may, are uniquely inadequate. Likewise with Alzheimer's disease, propelling age is a noteworthy hazard calculates for vascular dementia. To understand this guarantee, inquire about needs, information administration components, and option structures for assent are required. Specifically, coordinated effort between Dementia research and care, and change in the openness of genomic and wellbeing information inside mainstream researchers ought to be advanced crosswise over fringes.


\r\n Headway in treatment in Dementia is required in comprehension underlying reasons for dementia. Memory treatment has indicated great consequences for Dementia patients. Dementia is a standout amongst the most exorbitant illness in the world, this treatment is anything but difficult to lead and cheap. Memory treatment utilizes past frequencies and urges patients to compose and clarify past rates which help in keeping up psychological wellness. As misery can be one of the most reasons for Alzheimer's psychotherapy helps such patients colossally. Dementia mind through cloud innovation enables patients in monitoring their conditions and advance to rate, supporting staff and arranging in everyday mind in Dementia. Headway in such treatments utilizing innovation and characteristic treatments will help doctors to treat vascular dementia successfully. New movements have been subject of dementia gatherings and prime wellspring of learning as for dementia, these dementia social events has taken one phase closer to Dementia cure.


\r\n The developing number of Dementia patients prompts both approaches, monetary and wellbeing association imperatives. Numerous social insurance frameworks have created case administration programs with a specific end goal to advance Alzheimer's patients and guardians care and administrations conveyance. Treatment of dementia relies on its cause. On account of most dynamic dementia, including Alzheimer's disease there is no cure and no treatment that moderates or stops its movement. In any case, there are medicating medicines that may briefly enhance side effects. Similar pharmaceuticals used to treat Alzheimer's are among the medications once in a while endorsed to help with side effects of different sorts of dementia. Non-sedate treatments can likewise reduce a few manifestations of Dementia. The increasing number of cognitively impaired older adults who exhibit wandering tendencies raises safety concerns. The purpose of the current study in neurology was to research the State-of-the-Art in wearable technologies for persons with Alzheimer's disease and identify challenges unique to this population and lessons learned. Inclusion criteria specified systems that completed laboratory testing and were commercially available for usage by community-based Alzheimer's family caregivers.

  • Track 10-1Effectiveness and Safety of Dementia Care Management

\r\n People with Dementia have different mental element shortfalls that incorporate every memory hindrance, that influences the adaptability to discover new data or review data already learned, and one or extra of the ensuing side effects aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or official brokenness to such an extent that the mental element shortages adversely affect social or action working with a major decrease in past abilities. People with vascular dementia commonly experience the ill effects of comorbid conditions that extra confuse the mind and block best results. Along these lines, creating caregiving techniques individuals with Dementia is pressing by the neurologist, given this expanding commonness and consequently the related weight that vascular dementia places not just on the people, however on the parental figures, relations, and thusly the assets of the human services framework. Traditional perspectives bearing on geriatric nursing ordinarily paint a picture of the care as being moderate paced certain and less requesting than intense care. Be that as it may, care of the matured, and especially those with Dementia is normally confounded, unusual, and flimsy.      

  • Track 11-1Dementia Nursing Management
  • Track 11-2nursing assessment for dementia
  • Track 11-3Dementia nursing care plan
  • Track 11-4Physiotherapy for dementia
  • Track 11-5Clinical features of dementia

\r\n neurologyneurologistDementiacerebrumvascular dementiaDementiadementiaAlzheimer's diseaseDementianeurologistcerebrovascular disease


  • Track 12-1Diagnosis of Vascular Dementia
  • Track 12-2Drug Treatments for Vascular Dementia

\r\n Rigorous clinical trials on Dementia drugs are continuing in the USA and UK under the guidance of Alzheimer's society and it is reported that there is very less participation of people. The most of drugs are in the second and third phases. Most of the clinical trials are done in specific areas are amyloid beta plaques, the immune system, tau tangles. New medications for Dementia being developed in 2014/2015, 31% were named symptoms modifying. There are many developments are going on in Drug discovery of Dementia as old treatments are unable to stop the progression of Dementia. Most associations share their exploration of new medications for Dementia in Dementia conferences to get higher esteem to their items. This gets to be distinctly gainful to different geriatric doctors to redesign themselves with such medications and progressing possibilities by going to Dementia conferences. Such Dementia meetings will help researchers to know target areas for Drug development in Dementia and work towards it and also Dementia conferences exhibit clinical trial medications and offer positivity to discover new approaches in curing Dementia

  • Track 14-1Development of Re-purposed Drugs
  • Track 14-2Beta-amyloid Polymerization and Inflammation Inhibitor
  • Track 14-3Prevention Trials
  • Track 14-4Anticonvulsant Drugs for Treatment
  • Track 14-5Vaccine Development against Beta-Amyloid
  • Track 14-6Animal Models for Toxicology Studies